Torticollis Stretches and Tips
Stretch One
This is a modification of the football hold stretch Dr. Nikki demonstrates in the office.
Stretch Two
This is great for walking around the house, it can be helpful to get siblings or a mirror involved to keep baby entertained.
Stretch Three
This another great one to walking around the house, it can be helpful to get siblings or a mirror involved to keep baby entertained.
Stretch Four
This is a variation on Stretch One.
Using a bolster when you are not holding baby
The bolster can be a great tool for those times where baby will be in the car for extended period times or when they are in a baby swing or bouncer.
Guppy Pose
The guppy pose is a gentle stretch designed for babies to help relieve neck tension and improve alignment, which can support feeding. By allowing the neck and chest to open, this position promotes relaxation and encourages better range of motion, making it a great tool for parents addressing latch or feeding challenges.
Some other tips for dealing with torticollis
Switch which side you or a caregiver are giving baby a bottle on
If baby is sleeping in a bedside bassinet put their head at whichever end allows for baby to turn to non-preferred side to see mom.
Limit use of swings, bouncers, and sit me up seats to 20 minutes a day
When baby is in tummy time put objects such as mirrors, toys, and high contrast cards to the non-preferred sides to encourage them to look that way